What do you do after you and your partner have conflict? Do those feelings stay until the next day? Do you think having conflict changes how we interact with them the next day? This study mostly says, "yes". If we have a conflict, whether a disagreement or your partner betrays you, then you are more likely to think that your partner will be MORE positive in their responses to you the next day. However, this really only seems to happen for those with higher self-esteem. If someone has lower self-esteem, then it seems like you may actually think your partner is LESS positive in their responses to you the next day after conflict.
Why do you think this happens? Do you think it is true?
Citation: Smith, S. M., & Reis, H. T. (2012). Perceived responses to capitalization attempts are influenced by selfâesteem and relationship threat. Personal Relationships, 19(2), 367-38. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-6811.2011.01367.x